Envy! #TTC

This is a huge word though…. I have personally envied quite a lot of people…. For intelligence, for having an extravagant lifestyle, for being happy, for having lot of friends, for having this.. For having that… Etc etc

But what did that really do to me?


Actually… The more or less I envied… It was myself who felt bad… Or maybe I totally forgot what I really possess… Be it physically or mentally… Whatever. Point is… Envy doesn’t get us anywhere… It completely spoils our positive vibes and kills our mood.

Embrace what we have… And replace envying with just feeling happy for people. Practicing this made my energy level go up!

I repeat… Envying definitely gets us no where….. Don’t envy… EMBRACE yourself and everything around!


Published by unbiased&alive

Just a person who thinks and let's out negligible amount of random thoughts and ideas

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